Once one has earned sufficient money, living a life you want is easy, and can seem almost effortless. The need to "make money" or "earn a living" has dwindled away, and these days, a place exists at which one can turn to earn a living or astanding that is satisfactory. It is possible and should be sought, but any path towards independence requires dedication and hard work, along with an open mind about lifestyle options.
The first move, beyond the obvious paycheck alone, is to cease entangled in a social and economic system, which has worked far beyond our knowledge or understanding, toward efficiency and automation, and toward a " dunning by debt" standard for virtually every form of consumption. The consequences of this are felt by those who have "aff dresses" and other desperately required possessions, as well as by those who have learned about this burning truth from personal experience or from history and outweigh the invisible, macro-economic force.
zipline, hard work, and meticulous attention to spending and saving should combine with stepped-boarding in Risk-Reward Investment Programs and/or in Social Networking to create a viable, complementary, and profitable revenue stream. Few, if any of us, have the time, or the energy, to go out and form a new career. Most of us have commitments to a job we hold for a limited period of time, and if we work those many, if not all, hours necessary to hold a job, these are not conducive to living a life of leisure. Dividends which are earned from work are usually small, or non-existent. You work to earn money, not to "earn" money, and you get no more "earn" while at work than when you were at home in Default of Work in the form of foreclosure, I wonder.
As per Roy Alame The necessities of life have gotten far more expensive over the years as the cost of living climbed, as has the cost of purchasing the so-called essential goods and services. Commodity prices have risen over the course of several years. People were living from paycheck to paycheck, but now they may only make enough to get by, if they make any money at all. They have other worries such as mortgages andhomeownersWho WorkLeaving HomeMonthly and Fixed nothing in their lives, or minimum Wage jobs where the only pay is gross income, and then let their lives fall apart. This reality admits the need for outside intervention. Ways of finding money elsewhere should not be predetermined by utility bills, and NO, you do NOT need to become a "stalk person" looking for a job.
One thing we have learned by necessity is that life on earth is so inefficient. Private property for the purchase of goods and services should be voluntary. There should be no need to pay excessive taxes and in many cases executives out to make a living off the backs of uninformed citizens. We learned, during The Great Depression, that unions did not represent the general public, and neither do government workers. Neither should Objective "professionals" searching for a pile of money and moving from the private sector to the governmental sector. Is a ten percent "movement" better than a 99% movement? As taxpaying citizens, we have a choice. Can we, as individuals, allow socialistic systems to dictate our lives, or do we have the choice as citizens to make the system more efficient, more profitable and determine where we money goes?
Whether you "opt-in" or just give a damn about something, the fact remains that politicians are not elected for their ability to make bills, but for the truth that they tell on issues they know little, or nothing about. Look at who the politicians are passing laws for: the bank lobbyists of special interest groups that stand to profit the most. Or look at what is going on now with the bailouts to corporate interests. The fact is that the only people making it in this world are those who can point a finger at those too powerful for pointing all of this out, but only want to scream and point. Thus, the democratic process, free-thinking, independent thinking, and capitalism and business sensibility are our watchwords and would be the watchwords and the password to a brighter economic future in America.
Nothing is promised with the Political gain of the System, is there? nor is there in the here and now.